Hierarchical Linear Regression (Radon Contamination dataset)

In this notebook we want to revisit the classical hierarchical linear regression model based on the dataset of the Radon Contamination by Gelman and Hill. In particular, we want to show how easy is to port the PyMC models, presented in the very complete article A Primer on Bayesian Methods for Multilevel Modeling, to Bambi using the more concise formula specification for the models.

This example has been ported from PyMC by Juan Orduz (@juanitorduz) and Bambi developers.

Prepare Notebook

import arviz as az
import bambi as bmb
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pymc as pm
import seaborn as sns
Generator(PCG64) at 0x76AD7DB7DE00

Read Data

Let us load the data into a pandas data frame.

# Get radon data
path = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pymc-devs/pymc-examples/main/examples/data/srrs2.dat"
radon_df = pd.read_csv(path)

# Get city data
city_df = pd.read_csv(pm.get_data("cty.dat"))
idnum state state2 stfips zip region typebldg floor room basement ... stoptm startdt stopdt activity pcterr adjwt dupflag zipflag cntyfips county
0 1 AZ AZ 4 85920 1 1 1 2 N ... 1100 112987 120287 0.3 0.0 136.060971 0 0 1 APACHE
1 2 AZ AZ 4 85920 1 0 9 0 ... 700 70788 71188 0.6 33.3 128.784975 0 0 1 APACHE
2 3 AZ AZ 4 85924 1 1 1 3 N ... 1145 70788 70788 0.5 0.0 150.245112 0 0 1 APACHE
3 4 AZ AZ 4 85925 1 1 1 3 N ... 1900 52088 52288 0.6 97.2 136.060971 0 0 1 APACHE
4 5 AZ AZ 4 85932 1 1 1 1 N ... 900 70788 70788 0.3 0.0 136.060971 0 0 1 APACHE

5 rows × 25 columns

stfips ctfips st cty lon lat Uppm
0 1 1 AL AUTAUGA -86.643 32.534 1.78331
1 1 3 AL BALDWIN -87.750 30.661 1.38323
2 1 5 AL BARBOUR -85.393 31.870 2.10105
3 1 7 AL BIBB -87.126 32.998 1.67313
4 1 9 AL BLOUNT -86.568 33.981 1.88501

Preprocess Data

We are going to preprocess the data as done in the article A Primer on Bayesian Methods for Multilevel Modeling.

# Strip spaces from column names
radon_df.columns = radon_df.columns.map(str.strip)

# Filter to keep observations for "MN" state only
df = radon_df[radon_df.state == "MN"].copy()
city_mn_df = city_df[city_df.st == "MN"].copy()

# Compute fips
df["fips"] = 1_000 * df.stfips + df.cntyfips
city_mn_df["fips"] = 1_000 * city_mn_df.stfips + city_mn_df.ctfips

# Merge data
df = df.merge(city_mn_df[["fips", "Uppm"]], on="fips")
df = df.drop_duplicates(subset="idnum")

# Clean county names
df.county = df.county.map(str.strip)

# Compute log(radon + 0.1)
df["log_radon"] = np.log(df["activity"] + 0.1)

# Compute log of Uranium
df["log_u"] = np.log(df["Uppm"])

# Let's map floor. 0 -> Basement and 1 -> Floor
df["floor"] = df["floor"].map({0: "Basement", 1: "Floor"})

# Sort values by floor
df = df.sort_values(by="floor")

# Reset index
df = df.reset_index(drop=True)

In this exercise, we model the logarithm of the Radon measurements. This is because the distribution of the Radon level is approximately log-normal. We also add a small number, 0.1, to prevent us from trying to compute the logarithm of 0.


In order to get a glimpse of the data, we are going to do some exploratory data analysis. First, let’s have a look at the global distribution of the untransformed radon levels.

_, ax = plt.subplots()
sns.histplot(x="activity", alpha=0.2, stat="density", element="step", common_norm=False, data=df, ax=ax)
sns.kdeplot(x="activity", data=df, ax=ax, cut=0)
ax.set(title="Density of Radon", xlabel="Radon", ylabel="Density");

Next, let us see the global log(radon + 0.1) distribution.

_, ax = plt.subplots()
sns.histplot(x="log_radon", alpha=0.2, stat="density", element="step", common_norm=False, data=df, ax=ax)
sns.kdeplot(x="log_radon", data=df, ax=ax)
ax.set(title="Density of log(Radon + 0.1)", xlabel="$\log(Radon + 0.1)$", ylabel="Density");

There are many a priori reasons to think houses with basement has higher radon levels. From geochemistry to composition of building materials to poor ventilation. We can split the distribution of log(radon + 0.1) per floor to see if we are able to see that difference in our data.

_, ax = plt.subplots()
    x="log_radon", hue="floor", alpha=0.2, stat="density", element="step", 
    common_norm=False, data=df, ax=ax
sns.kdeplot(x="log_radon", hue="floor", common_norm=False, data=df, ax=ax)
ax.set(title="Density of log(Radon + 0.1)", xlabel="$\log + 0.1$", ylabel="Density");

This exploration tell us that, as expected, the average radon level is higher in Basement than Floor.

Next, we are going to count the number of counties.

n_counties = df["county"].unique().size
print(f"Number of counties: {n_counties}")
Number of counties: 85

Let us dig deeper into the distribution of radon and number of observations per county and floor level.

log_radon_county_agg  = (
    .groupby(["county", "floor"], as_index=False)
        log_radon_mean=("log_radon", "mean"),
        n_obs=("log_radon", "count")

fig, ax= plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(12, 6), layout="constrained")
sns.boxplot(x="floor", y="log_radon_mean", data=log_radon_county_agg, ax=ax[0])
ax[0].set(title="log(Radon + 0.1) Mean per County", ylabel="$\log + 0.1$")

sns.boxplot(x="floor", y="n_obs", data=log_radon_county_agg, ax=ax[1])
ax[1].set(title="Number of Observations", xlabel="floor", ylabel="Number of observations");

  • On the left hand side we can see that the "Basement" distribution per county is shifted to higher values with respect to the "Floor" distribution. We had seen this above when considering all counties together.
  • On the right hand side we see that the number of observations per county is not the same for the floor levels. In particular, we see that there are some counties with a lot of basement observations. This can create some bias when computing simple statistics to compare across counties. Moreover, not all county and floor combinations are present in the dataset. For example:
assert df.query("county == 'YELLOW MEDICINE' and floor == 'Floor'").empty

Models: Conventional Approaches

Complete Pooling


For this first model we only consider the predictor floor, which represents the floor level. The following equation describes the linear model that we are going to build with Bambi

\[ y = \beta_{j} + \varepsilon \]


\[ \begin{aligned} y &= \text{Response for the (log) radon measurement }\\ \beta_{j} &= \text{Coefficient for the floor level } j \\ \varepsilon & = \text{Residual random error} \end{aligned} \]

Each \(j\) indexes a different floor level. In this case, \(j=1\) means "basement" and \(j=2\) means "floor".


Common effects

The only common effect in this model is the floor effect represented by the \(\beta_{j}\) coefficients. We have

\[ \beta_{j} \sim \text{Normal}(0, \sigma_{\beta_j}) \]

for \(j: 1, 2\), where \(\sigma_{\beta_j}\) is a positive constant that we set to 10 for all \(j\).

Residual error

\[ \begin{aligned} \varepsilon & \sim \text{Normal}(0, \sigma) \\ \sigma & \sim \text{Exponential}(\lambda) \end{aligned} \]

where \(\lambda\) is a positive constant that we set to 1.

Let us now write the Bambi model.

The 0 on the right side of ~ in the model formula removes the global intercept that is added by default. This allows Bambi to use one coefficient for each floor level.

# A dictionary with the priors we pass to the model initialization
pooled_priors = {
    "floor": bmb.Prior("Normal", mu=0, sigma=10),
    "sigma": bmb.Prior("Exponential", lam=1),

pooled_model = bmb.Model("log_radon ~ 0 + floor", df, priors=pooled_priors)
       Formula: log_radon ~ 0 + floor
        Family: gaussian
          Link: mu = identity
  Observations: 919
    target = mu
        Common-level effects
            floor ~ Normal(mu: 0.0, sigma: 10.0)
        Auxiliary parameters
            sigma ~ Exponential(lam: 1.0)

The Family name: Gaussian indicates the selected family, which defaults to Gaussian. And Link: identity indicates the default value for the link argument in bmb.Model(). Taken together this simply means that we are fitting a normal linear regression model.

Let’s see the graph representation of the model before fitting. To do so, we first need to call the .build() method. Internally, this builds the underlying PyMC model.


Let’s now fit the model.

pooled_results = pooled_model.fit()
Auto-assigning NUTS sampler...
Initializing NUTS using jitter+adapt_diag...
Multiprocess sampling (2 chains in 2 jobs)
NUTS: [sigma, floor]

Sampling 2 chains for 1_000 tune and 1_000 draw iterations (2_000 + 2_000 draws total) took 3 seconds.
We recommend running at least 4 chains for robust computation of convergence diagnostics

Now we can examine the posterior distribution, i.e. the joint distribution of model parameters conditional on the data:

az.plot_trace(data=pooled_results, compact=True, chain_prop={"ls": "-"})
plt.suptitle("Pooled Model Trace");

We can also see some posterior summary statistics.

pooled_summary = az.summary(data=pooled_results)
mean sd hdi_3% hdi_97% mcse_mean mcse_sd ess_bulk ess_tail r_hat
floor[Basement] 1.362 0.029 1.309 1.416 0.001 0.000 3280.0 1577.0 1.0
floor[Floor] 0.776 0.066 0.657 0.898 0.001 0.001 3035.0 1397.0 1.0
sigma 0.791 0.019 0.752 0.824 0.000 0.000 3143.0 1483.0 1.0

From the posterior plot and the summary, we can see the mean radon level is considerably higher in the Basement than in the Floor level. This reflects what we originally saw in the initial data exploration. In addition, sice we have more measurements in the Basement, the uncertainty in its posterior is smaller than the uncertainty in the posterior for the Floor level.

We can compare the mean of the posterior distribution of the floor terms to the sample mean. This is going to be useful to understand the meaning of complete pooling.

_, ax = plt.subplots()

    .assign(floor = lambda x: x["index"].str.slice(6, -1).str.strip())
        "mean": "posterior mean",
        "log_radon": "sample mean"
        value_vars=["posterior mean", "sample mean"]
    .pipe((sns.barplot, "data"),
ax.set(title="log(Radon + 0.1) Mean per Floor - Pooled Model", ylabel="$\log + 0.1$");

From the plot alone it is hard to detect the difference between the posterior mean and the sample mean. This happens because the estimation for any observation in either group is simply the group mean plus the smoothing due to the non-flat priors.

In other words, for every observation where floor is "Basement" the model predicts the mean radon for all the basement measurements, and for every observation where floor is "Floor", the model predicts the mean radon for all the floor measurements.

What does complete pooling exactly mean here?

In this example, the pooling refers to how we treat the different counties when computing estimates (i.e. this does not refer to pooling across floor levels for example). Complete pooling means that all measurements for all counties are pooled into a single estimate (“treat all counties the same”), conditional on the floor level (because it is used as a covariate/predictor). For that reason, when computing the prediction for a given observation, we do not discriminate which county it belongs to. We pool all the counties into a single estimate, or in other words, we perform a complete pooling.

Let’s now compare the posterior predictive distribution for each group with the distribution of the observed data.

To do this we need to perform a couple of steps:

  • Obtain samples from the posterior predictive distribution using the .predict() method.
  • Apply the inverse transform to have the posterior predictive samples in the original scale of the response.
# Note we create a new data set. 
# One observation per group is enough to obtain posterior predictive samples for that group
# The more observations we create, the more posterior predictive samples from the same distribution
# we obtain.
new_data = pd.DataFrame({"floor": ["Basement", "Floor"]})
pooled_model.predict(pooled_results, kind="pps", data=new_data)

# Stack chains and draws and extract posterior predictive samples
pps = az.extract_dataset(pooled_results, group="posterior_predictive")["log_radon"].values

# Inverse transform the posterior predictive samples
pps = np.exp(pps) - 0.1

fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, figsize=(12, 6), layout="constrained")
ax = ax.flatten()

sns.histplot(x=pps[0].flatten(), stat="density", color="C0", ax=ax[0])
ax[0].set(title="Basement (Posterior Predictive Distribution)", xlabel="radon", ylabel="Density")
sns.histplot(x="activity", data=df.query("floor == 'Basement'"), stat="density", ax=ax[2])
ax[2].set(title="Basement (Sample Distribution)", xlim=ax[0].get_xlim(), xlabel="radon", ylabel="Density")

sns.histplot(x=pps[1].flatten(), stat="density", color="C1", ax=ax[1])
ax[1].set(title="Floor (Posterior Predictive Distribution)", xlabel="radon", ylabel="Density")
sns.histplot(x="activity", data=df.query("floor == 'Floor'"), stat="density", color="C1", ax=ax[3])
ax[3].set(title="Floor (Sample Distribution)", xlim=ax[1].get_xlim(), xlabel="radon", ylabel="Density");
/home/tomas/Desktop/OSS/bambinos/bambi/bambi/models.py:845: FutureWarning: 'pps' has been replaced by 'response' and is not going to work in the future
/tmp/ipykernel_45847/1213510270.py:9: FutureWarning: extract_dataset has been deprecated, please use extract
  pps = az.extract_dataset(pooled_results, group="posterior_predictive")["log_radon"].values

The distributions look very similar, but we see that we have some extreme values. Hence if we need a number to compare them let us use the median.

np.median(a=pps, axis=1)
array([3.862334  , 2.07121177])
Basement    3.9
Floor       2.1
Name: activity, dtype: float64

No Pooling

The following model uses both floor and county as predictors. They are represented with an interaction effect. It means the predicted radon level for a given measurement depends both on the floor level as well as the county. This interaction coefficient allows the floor effect to vary across counties. Or said analogously, the county effect can vary across floor levels.


\[ y = \gamma_{jk} + \varepsilon \]


\[ \begin{aligned} y &= \text{Response for the (log) radon measurement }\\ \gamma_{jk} &= \text{Coefficient for floor level } j \text{ and county } k\\ \varepsilon & = \text{Residual random error} \end{aligned} \]


Common effects

The common effect is the interaction between floor and county. The prior is

\[ \gamma_{jk} \sim \text{Normal}(0, \sigma_{\gamma_{jk}}) \]

for all \(j: 1, 2\) and \(k: 1, \cdots, 85\).
\(\sigma_{\gamma_{jk}}\) is a positive constant that we set to 10 in all cases.

Residual error

\[ \begin{aligned} \varepsilon_i & \sim \text{Normal}(0, \sigma) \\ \sigma & \sim \text{Exponential}(\lambda) \end{aligned} \] where \(\lambda\) is a positive constant that we set to 1.

To specify this model in Bambi we can use the formula log_radon ~ 0 + county:floor. Again, we remove the global intercept with the 0 on the right hand side. county:floor specifies the multiplicative interaction between county and floor.

unpooled_priors = {
    "county:floor": bmb.Prior("Normal", mu=0, sigma=10),
    "sigma": bmb.Prior("Exponential", lam=1),

unpooled_model = bmb.Model("log_radon ~ 0 + county:floor", df, priors=unpooled_priors)
       Formula: log_radon ~ 0 + county:floor
        Family: gaussian
          Link: mu = identity
  Observations: 919
    target = mu
        Common-level effects
            county:floor ~ Normal(mu: 0.0, sigma: 10.0)
        Auxiliary parameters
            sigma ~ Exponential(lam: 1.0)
unpooled_results = unpooled_model.fit()
Auto-assigning NUTS sampler...
Initializing NUTS using jitter+adapt_diag...
Multiprocess sampling (2 chains in 2 jobs)
NUTS: [sigma, county:floor]

Sampling 2 chains for 1_000 tune and 1_000 draw iterations (2_000 + 2_000 draws total) took 36 seconds.
We recommend running at least 4 chains for robust computation of convergence diagnostics
The rhat statistic is larger than 1.01 for some parameters. This indicates problems during sampling. See https://arxiv.org/abs/1903.08008 for details

From the graph representation of the model we see the model estimates \(170 = 85 \times 2\) parameters for the county:floor interaction. Let us now explore the model fit.

First, we can now see the plot of the marginal posterior distributions along with the sampling traces.

az.plot_trace(data=unpooled_results, compact=True, chain_prop={"ls": "-"})
plt.suptitle("Un-Pooled Model Trace");

Some posteriors for county:floor are much more spread than others, which makes it harder to compare them. To obtain a better summary visualization we can use a forest plot. This plot also allows us to identify exactly the combination of county and floor level.

az.plot_forest(data=unpooled_results, figsize=(6, 32), r_hat=True, combined=True, textsize=8);

Note how for the combination county == 'YELLOW MEDICINE' and floor == 'Floor' where we do not have any observations, the model can still generate predictions which are essentially coming from the prior distributions, which explains the large HDI intervals.

Next, let’s have a look into the posterior mean for each county and floor combination:

unpooled_summary = az.summary(data=unpooled_results)

We can now plot the posterior distribution mean of the gamma coefficients against the observed values (sample).

# Get county and floor names from summary table
var_mapping = (
    .reset_index(drop=False)["index"].str.slice(13, -1).str.split(",").apply(pd.Series)

var_mapping.rename(columns={0: "county", 1: "floor"}, inplace=True)
var_mapping["county"] = var_mapping["county"].str.strip()
var_mapping["floor"] = var_mapping["floor"].str.strip()
var_mapping.index = unpooled_summary.iloc[:-1].index
# Merge with observed values
unpooled_summary_2 = pd.concat([var_mapping, unpooled_summary.iloc[:-1]], axis=1)

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7, 6))

    .merge(right=log_radon_county_agg, on=["county", "floor"], how="left")
        (sns.scatterplot, "data"),
ax.axline(xy1=(1, 1), slope=1, color="black", linestyle="--", label="diagonal")
    title="log(Radon + 0.1) Mean per County (Unpooled Model)",
    xlabel="observed (sample)",

As expected, the values strongly concentrated along the diagonal. In other words, for each county and floor level combination, the model uses their sample mean of radon level as prediction, plus smoothing due to the non-flat priors.

What does no pooling exactly mean here?

In the previous example we said complete pooling means the observations are pooled together into single estimates no matter the county they belong to. The situation is completely the opposite in this no pooling scenario. Here, none of the measurements in a given county affect the computation of the coefficient for another county. That’s why, in the end, the estimation for each combination of county and floor level (i.e. \(\gamma_{jk}\)) is the mean of the measurements in that county and floor level (plus prior smoothing) as is reflected in the diagonal scatterplot above.

Multilevel and hierarchical models

In this section we are going to explore various types of hierarchical models. If you’re familiar with the PyMC way of using hierarchies, the Bambi way (borrowed from mixed effects models way) may be a bit unfamiliar in the beginning, but as we will see, the notation is very convenient. A good explanation is found in Chapter 16 from Bayes Rules book, specifically section 16.3.2. Moreover, you can also take a look into the Bambi examples section where you can find other use cases.

Partial pooling model

We start with a model that considers a global intercept and varying intercepts for each county. The dispersion parameter of the prior for these varying intercepts is an hyperprior that is common to all the counties. As we are going to conclude later, this is what causes the partial pooling in the model estimates.


Let us use greek letters for common effects and roman letters for varying effects. In this case, \(\alpha\) is a common intercept and \(u\) is a group-specific intercept.

\[ y = \alpha + u_j + \varepsilon \]


\[ \begin{aligned} y &= \text{Response for the (log) radon measurement } \\ \alpha &= \text{Intercept common to all measurements or global intercept} \\ u_j &= \text{Intercept specific to the county } j \\ \varepsilon & = \text{Residual random error} \end{aligned} \]


Common effects

The only common effect in this model is the intercept \(\alpha\). We have

\[ \alpha \sim \text{Normal}(0, \sigma_\alpha) \]

where \(\sigma_\alpha\) is a positive constant that we set to 10.

Group-specific effects

\[ u_j \sim \text{Normal}(0, \sigma_u) \]

for all \(j: 1, \cdots, 85\).

Contrary to the common effects case, \(\sigma_u\) is considered a random variable.

We assign \(\sigma_u\) the following hyperprior, which is the same to all the counties,

\[ \sigma_u\sim \text{Exponential}(\tau) \]

and \(\tau\) is a positive constant that we set to \(1\).

Residual error

\[ \begin{aligned} \varepsilon & \sim \text{Normal}(0, \sigma) \\ \sigma & \sim \text{Exponential}(\lambda) \end{aligned} \]

where \(\lambda\) is a positive constant that we set to 1.


The common intercept \(\alpha\) represents the mean response across all counties and floor levels.

On top of it, the county-specific intercept terms \(u_j\) represent county-specific deviations from that global mean. This type of term is also known as a vaying intercept in the statistical literature.

# We can add the hyper-priors inside the prior dictionary parameter of the model constructor
partial_pooling_priors = {
    "Intercept": bmb.Prior("Normal", mu=0, sigma=10),
    "1|county": bmb.Prior("Normal", mu=0, sigma=bmb.Prior("Exponential", lam=1)),
    "sigma": bmb.Prior("Exponential", lam=1),

partial_pooling_model = bmb.Model(
    formula="log_radon ~ 1 + (1|county)", 
       Formula: log_radon ~ 1 + (1|county)
        Family: gaussian
          Link: mu = identity
  Observations: 919
    target = mu
        Common-level effects
            Intercept ~ Normal(mu: 0.0, sigma: 10.0)
        Group-level effects
            1|county ~ Normal(mu: 0.0, sigma: Exponential(lam: 1.0))
        Auxiliary parameters
            sigma ~ Exponential(lam: 1.0)

The noncentered argument asks Bambi not to use the non centered representation for the varying effects. This makes the graph representation clearer and is closer to the original implementation in the PyMC documentation.

partial_pooling_results = partial_pooling_model.fit()
Auto-assigning NUTS sampler...
Initializing NUTS using jitter+adapt_diag...
Multiprocess sampling (2 chains in 2 jobs)
NUTS: [sigma, Intercept, 1|county_sigma, 1|county]

Sampling 2 chains for 1_000 tune and 1_000 draw iterations (2_000 + 2_000 draws total) took 6 seconds.
We recommend running at least 4 chains for robust computation of convergence diagnostics
The rhat statistic is larger than 1.01 for some parameters. This indicates problems during sampling. See https://arxiv.org/abs/1903.08008 for details

We can inspect the graphical representation of the model:


We can clearly see a new hierarchical level as compared to the complete pooling model and unpooled model.

Next, we can plot the posterior distribution of the coefficients in the model:

az.plot_trace(data=partial_pooling_results, compact=True, chain_prop={"ls": "-"})
plt.suptitle("Partial Pooling Model Trace");

  • 1|county is \(u_j\), the county-specific intercepts.
  • 1|county_sigma is \(\sigma_u\), the standard deviation of the county-specific intercepts above.

Let us now compare the posterior predictive mean against the observed data at county level.

    • <xarray.Dataset> Size: 1MB
      Dimensions:             (chain: 2, draw: 1000, county__factor_dim: 85)
        * chain               (chain) int64 16B 0 1
        * draw                (draw) int64 8kB 0 1 2 3 4 5 ... 994 995 996 997 998 999
        * county__factor_dim  (county__factor_dim) <U17 6kB 'AITKIN' ... 'YELLOW ME...
      Data variables:
          1|county            (chain, draw, county__factor_dim) float64 1MB 0.1093 ...
          1|county_sigma      (chain, draw) float64 16kB 0.3421 0.3602 ... 0.2518
          Intercept           (chain, draw) float64 16kB 1.44 1.4 ... 1.301 1.295
          sigma               (chain, draw) float64 16kB 0.7651 0.7419 ... 0.7995
          created_at:                  2024-05-26T22:50:19.814875+00:00
          arviz_version:               0.18.0
          inference_library:           pymc
          inference_library_version:   5.15.0+23.g19be124e
          sampling_time:               6.147133111953735
          tuning_steps:                1000
          modeling_interface:          bambi
          modeling_interface_version:  0.13.1.dev39+gb7d6a6cb

    • <xarray.Dataset> Size: 252kB
      Dimensions:                (chain: 2, draw: 1000)
        * chain                  (chain) int64 16B 0 1
        * draw                   (draw) int64 8kB 0 1 2 3 4 5 ... 995 996 997 998 999
      Data variables: (12/17)
          acceptance_rate        (chain, draw) float64 16kB 0.9844 0.986 ... 0.8069
          diverging              (chain, draw) bool 2kB False False ... False False
          energy                 (chain, draw) float64 16kB 1.133e+03 ... 1.111e+03
          energy_error           (chain, draw) float64 16kB 0.1159 -0.4477 ... 0.4183
          index_in_trajectory    (chain, draw) int64 16kB 5 -4 4 -4 -2 ... 6 -2 -4 -4
          largest_eigval         (chain, draw) float64 16kB nan nan nan ... nan nan
          ...                     ...
          process_time_diff      (chain, draw) float64 16kB 0.001789 ... 0.001452
          reached_max_treedepth  (chain, draw) bool 2kB False False ... False False
          smallest_eigval        (chain, draw) float64 16kB nan nan nan ... nan nan
          step_size              (chain, draw) float64 16kB 0.3948 0.3948 ... 0.3688
          step_size_bar          (chain, draw) float64 16kB 0.467 0.467 ... 0.4521
          tree_depth             (chain, draw) int64 16kB 3 3 3 3 3 3 ... 3 3 3 3 3 3
          created_at:                  2024-05-26T22:50:19.833200+00:00
          arviz_version:               0.18.0
          inference_library:           pymc
          inference_library_version:   5.15.0+23.g19be124e
          sampling_time:               6.147133111953735
          tuning_steps:                1000
          modeling_interface:          bambi
          modeling_interface_version:  0.13.1.dev39+gb7d6a6cb

    • <xarray.Dataset> Size: 15kB
      Dimensions:    (__obs__: 919)
        * __obs__    (__obs__) int64 7kB 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 912 913 914 915 916 917 918
      Data variables:
          log_radon  (__obs__) float64 7kB 1.435 1.03 0.2624 ... 0.0 2.219 0.8329
          created_at:                  2024-05-26T22:50:19.839116+00:00
          arviz_version:               0.18.0
          inference_library:           pymc
          inference_library_version:   5.15.0+23.g19be124e
          modeling_interface:          bambi
          modeling_interface_version:  0.13.1.dev39+gb7d6a6cb

partial_pooling_model.predict(partial_pooling_results, kind="pps")

# Stack chains and draws. pps stands for posterior predictive samples
pps = az.extract_dataset(partial_pooling_results, group="posterior_predictive")["log_radon"].values

pps_df = pd.DataFrame(data=pps).assign(county=df["county"])
y_pred = pps_df.groupby("county").mean().mean(axis=1)
y_sample = df.groupby("county")["log_radon"].mean()

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 7))
sns.regplot(x=y_sample, y=y_pred, ax=ax)
ax.axline(xy1=(1, 1), slope=1, color="black", linestyle="--", label="diagonal")
ax.axhline(y=y_pred.mean(), color="C3", linestyle="--", label="predicted global mean")
ax.legend(loc="lower right")
    title="log(Radon + 0.1) Mean per County (Partial Pooling Model)",
    xlabel="observed (sample)",
    xlim=(0.3, 2.7),
    ylim=(0.3, 2.7),
/home/tomas/Desktop/OSS/bambinos/bambi/bambi/models.py:845: FutureWarning: 'pps' has been replaced by 'response' and is not going to work in the future
/tmp/ipykernel_45847/3145587883.py:4: FutureWarning: extract_dataset has been deprecated, please use extract
  pps = az.extract_dataset(partial_pooling_results, group="posterior_predictive")["log_radon"].values

Note that in this case the points are not concentrated along the diagonal (as it was the case for the unpooled model). The reason is that in the partial pooling model the hyperprior shrinks the predictions towards the global mean, represented by the horizonital dashed line.

What does partial pooling exactly mean here?

We said the first model we built performed a complete pooling because estimates pooled observations regardless to which county they belong to. We could see that in the coefficients for the floor variable. The estimate for each level was the sample mean for each level, plus prior smoothing, without making any special distinction to observations from different counties.

Then, when we built our second model we said it performed no pooling. This was the opposite scenario. Estimates for effects involving a specific county were not informed at all by the information in the other counties.

Now, we say this model performs partial pooling. But what does it mean? Well, if we had complete pooling and no pooling, this must be some type of compromise in between.

In this model, we have a global intercept \(\alpha\), which represents the mean of the response variable across all counties. We also have group-specific intercepts \(u_j\) that represent deviations from the global mean specific to each county \(j\). Thess group-specific intercepts are assigned a Normal prior centered at 0. The standard deviations of these priors are considered random, instead of fixed. Since they are random, they are assigned a prior distribution, which is a hyperprior in this case because it is a prior on top of a prior. And that hyperprior is the same distribution for all the county-specific intercepts. Because of that, these random deviations from the global mean are not independent. Indeed, the shared hyperprior is what causes the partial pooling in the model estimates. In other words, some information is shared between counties when computing estimates for their effects and it results in a shrinkage towards the global mean.

Connecting what we’ve just said with the figure above we can see the partial pooling is a compromise between complete pooling (global mean) and no pooling (diagonal).

County-specific intercepts and common predictors

Next, we add the floor global feature (i.e. does not depend on the county) into the model above. We remove the global intercept so Bambi keeps one coefficient for each floor level.

In the original PyMC example, this model is introduced under the Varying intercept model title. We feel that “County-specific intercepts and common predictors” is a more accurate representation of the model we build in Bambi. It is correct to say this is a varying intercept model, because of the county-specific intercepts, but so was the last model we built.


\[ y = \beta_j + u_k + \varepsilon \]


\[ \begin{aligned} y &= \text{Response for the (log) radon measurement } \\ \beta_j &= \text{Coefficient for the floor level } j \\ u_k &= \text{Intercept specific to the county } k \\ \varepsilon & = \text{Residual random error} \end{aligned} \]


Common effects

The common effect in this model is the floor term \(\beta_j\)

\[ \beta_j \sim \text{Normal}(0, \sigma_{\beta_j}) \]

for all \(j: 1, 2\) and \(\sigma_{\beta_j}\) is a positive constant that we set to \(10\).

Group-specific effects

\[ u_k \sim \text{Normal}(0, \sigma_u) \]

for all \(j:1, \cdots, 85\). The hyperprior is


_u ()


and \(\tau\) is a positive constant that we set to \(1\).

Residual error

\[ \begin{aligned} \varepsilon & \sim \text{Normal}(0, \sigma) \\ \sigma & \sim \text{Exponential}(\lambda) \end{aligned} \]

where \(\lambda\) is a positive constant that we set to \(1\).


\(\beta_j\) and \(u_k\) may look similar. The difference is that the latter is a hierarchical effect (it has a hyperprior), while the former is not.

varying_intercept_priors = {
    "floor": bmb.Prior("Normal", mu=0, sigma=10),
    "1|county": bmb.Prior("Normal", mu=0, sigma=bmb.Prior("Exponential", lam=1)),
    "sigma": bmb.Prior("Exponential", lam=1),

varying_intercept_model = bmb.Model(
    formula="log_radon ~ 0 + floor + (1|county)",

       Formula: log_radon ~ 0 + floor + (1|county)
        Family: gaussian
          Link: mu = identity
  Observations: 919
    target = mu
        Common-level effects
            floor ~ Normal(mu: 0.0, sigma: 10.0)
        Group-level effects
            1|county ~ Normal(mu: 0.0, sigma: Exponential(lam: 1.0))
        Auxiliary parameters
            sigma ~ Exponential(lam: 1.0)
varying_intercept_results = varying_intercept_model.fit()
Auto-assigning NUTS sampler...
Initializing NUTS using jitter+adapt_diag...
Multiprocess sampling (2 chains in 2 jobs)
NUTS: [sigma, floor, 1|county_sigma, 1|county]

Sampling 2 chains for 1_000 tune and 1_000 draw iterations (2_000 + 2_000 draws total) took 7 seconds.
We recommend running at least 4 chains for robust computation of convergence diagnostics
The rhat statistic is larger than 1.01 for some parameters. This indicates problems during sampling. See https://arxiv.org/abs/1903.08008 for details

When looking at the graph representation of the model we still see the hierarchical structure for the county varying intercepts, but we do not see it for the floor feature as expected.


Let us visualize the posterior distributions:

az.plot_trace(data=varying_intercept_results, compact=True, chain_prop={"ls": "-"});
plt.suptitle("Varying Intercepts Model Trace");

Varying intercept and slope model

Next we want to include a hierarchical structure in the floor effect.


\[ y = \beta_j + b_{jk} + \varepsilon \]


\[ \begin{aligned} y &= \text{Response for the (log) radon measurement}\\ \beta_j &= \text{Coefficient for the floor level } j \\ b_{jk} &= \text{Coefficient for the floor level } j \text{ specific to the county } k\\ \varepsilon & = \text{Residual random error} \end{aligned} \]


Common effects

The common effect in this model is the floor term \(\beta_j\)

\[ \beta_j \sim \text{Normal}(0, \sigma_{\beta_j}) \]

where \(\sigma_{\beta_j}\) is a positive constant that we set to \(10\).

Group-specific effects

Here, again, we have the floor effects

\[ b_{jk} \sim \text{Normal}(0, \sigma_{b_j}) \]

for \(j:1, 2\) and \(k: 1, \cdots, 85\).

The hyperprior is

\[ \sigma_{b_j} \sim \text{Exponential}(\tau) \]

for \(j:1, 2\).

\(\tau\) is a positive constant that we set to \(1\).

Residual error

\[ \begin{aligned} \varepsilon & \sim \text{Normal}(0, \sigma) \\ \sigma & \sim \text{Exponential}(\lambda) \end{aligned} \]

where \(\lambda\) is a positive constant that we set to 1.


Both \(\beta_j\) and \(b_{jk}\) are floor effects. The difference is that the first one is a common effect, while the second is a group-specific effect. In other words, the second floor effect varies from county to county. These effects represent the county specific deviations from the common floor effect \(\beta_j\). Because of the hyperprior, the \(b_{jk}\) effects aren’t independent and result in the partial-pooling effect.

In this case the Bambi model specification is quite easy, namely log_radon ~ 0 + floor + (0 + floor|county). This formula represents the following terms:

  • The first 0 tells we don’t want a global intercept.
  • floor is \(\beta_j\). It says we want to include an effect for each floor level. Since there’s no global intercept, a coefficient for each level is included.
  • The 0 in (0 + floor|county) means we don’t want county-specific intercept. We need to explicitly turn it off as we did with the regular intercept.
  • floor|county is \(b_{jk}\), the county-specific floor coefficients. Again, since there’s no varying intercepot for the counties, this includes coefficients for both floor levels.
varying_intercept_slope_priors = {
    "floor": bmb.Prior("Normal", mu=0, sigma=10),
    "floor|county": bmb.Prior("Normal", mu=0, sigma=bmb.Prior("Exponential", lam=1)),
    "sigma": bmb.Prior("Exponential", lam=1),

varying_intercept_slope_model = bmb.Model(
    formula="log_radon ~ 0 + floor + (0 + floor|county)",

       Formula: log_radon ~ 0 + floor + (0 + floor|county)
        Family: gaussian
          Link: mu = identity
  Observations: 919
    target = mu
        Common-level effects
            floor ~ Normal(mu: 0.0, sigma: 10.0)
        Group-level effects
            floor|county ~ Normal(mu: 0.0, sigma: Exponential(lam: 1.0))
        Auxiliary parameters
            sigma ~ Exponential(lam: 1.0)

Next, we fit the model. Note we increase the default number of draws from the posterior and the tune samples to 2000. In addition, as the structure of the model gets more complex, so does the posterior. That’s why we increase target_accept from the default 0.8 to 0.9, because we want to explore the posterior more cautiously .

varying_intercept_slope_results = varying_intercept_slope_model.fit(
Auto-assigning NUTS sampler...
Initializing NUTS using jitter+adapt_diag...
Multiprocess sampling (2 chains in 2 jobs)
NUTS: [sigma, floor, floor|county_sigma, floor|county_offset]

Sampling 2 chains for 2_000 tune and 2_000 draw iterations (4_000 + 4_000 draws total) took 27 seconds.
We recommend running at least 4 chains for robust computation of convergence diagnostics

In the graph representation of the model we can now see hierarchical structures both in the intercepts and the slopes. The terms that end with _offset appeared because we are using a non-centered parametrization. This parametrization is an algebraic trick that helps computation but leaves the model unchanged.


Let’s have a look at the marginal posterior for the coefficients in the model.

var_names = ["floor", "floor|county", "floor|county_sigma", "sigma"]
    chain_prop={"ls": "-"}

Adding group-level predictors

We now want to consider a county-level predictor, namely the (log) uranium level. This is not a county-level predictor in the sense that we use a county-specific coefficient, but in the sense that all the uranium concentrations were measured per county. Thus all the houses in the same county have the same uranium level.


\[ y = \beta_j + \xi x + b_{jk} + \varepsilon \]


\[ \begin{aligned} y &= \text{Response for the (log) radon measurement} \\ x &= \text{Log uranium concentration} \\ \beta_j &= \text{Coefficient for the floor level } j \\ \xi &= \text{Coefficient for the slope of the log uranium concentration}\\ b_{jk} &= \text{Coefficient for the floor level } j \text{ specific to the county } k\\ \varepsilon & = \text{Residual random error} \end{aligned} \]


Common effects

This model has two common effects:

\[ \begin{aligned} \beta_j \sim \text{Normal}(0, \sigma_{\beta_j}) \\ \xi \sim \text{Normal}(0, \sigma_\xi) \end{aligned} \]

where \(j:1, 2\) and all \(\sigma_{\beta_j}\) and \(\sigma_{\xi}\) are set to \(10\).

Group-specific effects

Here, again, we have the floor effects

\[ b_{jk} \sim \text{Normal}(0, \sigma_{b_j}) \]

for \(j:1, 2\) and \(k: 1, \cdots, 85\).

The hyperprior is

\[ \sigma_{b_j} \sim \text{Exponential}(\tau) \]

for \(j:1, 2\).

\(\tau\) is a positive constant that we set to \(1\).

Residual error

\[ \begin{aligned} \varepsilon & \sim \text{Normal}(0, \sigma) \\ \sigma & \sim \text{Exponential}(\lambda) \end{aligned} \]

where \(\lambda\) is a positive constant that we set to \(1\).

covariate_priors = {
    "floor": bmb.Prior("Normal", mu=0, sigma=10),
    "log_u": bmb.Prior("Normal", mu=0, sigma=10),
    "floor|county": bmb.Prior("Normal", mu=0, sigma=bmb.Prior("Exponential", lam=1)),
    "sigma": bmb.Prior("Exponential", lam=1),

covariate_model = bmb.Model(
    formula="log_radon ~ 0 + floor + log_u + (0 + floor|county)",

       Formula: log_radon ~ 0 + floor + log_u + (0 + floor|county)
        Family: gaussian
          Link: mu = identity
  Observations: 919
    target = mu
        Common-level effects
            floor ~ Normal(mu: 0.0, sigma: 10.0)
            log_u ~ Normal(mu: 0.0, sigma: 10.0)
        Group-level effects
            floor|county ~ Normal(mu: 0.0, sigma: Exponential(lam: 1.0))
        Auxiliary parameters
            sigma ~ Exponential(lam: 1.0)
covariate_results = covariate_model.fit(
Auto-assigning NUTS sampler...
Initializing NUTS using jitter+adapt_diag...
Multiprocess sampling (2 chains in 2 jobs)
NUTS: [sigma, floor, log_u, floor|county_sigma, floor|county_offset]

Sampling 2 chains for 2_000 tune and 2_000 draw iterations (4_000 + 4_000 draws total) took 39 seconds.
There were 3 divergences after tuning. Increase `target_accept` or reparameterize.
We recommend running at least 4 chains for robust computation of convergence diagnostics

var_names = ["floor", "log_u", "floor|county", "floor|county_sigma", "sigma"]
    chain_prop={"ls": "-"}

Let us now visualize the posterior distributions of the intercepts:

# get log_u values per county
log_u_sample = df.groupby(["county"])["log_u"].mean().values

# compute the slope posterior samples
log_u_slope = covariate_results.posterior["log_u"].values[..., None] * log_u_sample

# Compute the posterior for the floor coefficient when it is Basement
intercepts = (
    + covariate_results.posterior.sel(floor__expr_dim="Basement")["floor|county"] 

y_predicted = (intercepts + log_u_slope).reshape(4000, n_counties).T

# reduce the intercepts posterior samples to the mean per county
mean_intercept = intercepts.mean(axis=2)[..., None] + log_u_slope
fig, ax = plt.subplots()

y_predicted_bounds = np.quantile(y_predicted, q=[0.03, 0.96], axis=1)

    label="Mean county-intercept",
ax.vlines(log_u_sample, y_predicted_bounds[0], y_predicted_bounds[1], color="C1", alpha=0.5)

    fill_kwargs={"alpha": 0.1, "label": "Mean intercept HPD"},

    y=mean_intercept.reshape(4000, n_counties).mean(axis=0),
    label="Mean intercept",

ax.legend(loc="upper left")
    title="County Intercepts (Covariance Model)",
    xlabel="County-level log uranium",
    ylabel="Intercept estimate"


Let us dig deeper into the model comparison for the pooled, unpooled, and partial pooling models. To do so we are generate predictions for each model ad county level, where we aggregate by taking the mean, and plot them against the observed values.

# generate posterior predictive samples
pooled_model.predict(pooled_results, kind="response")
unpooled_model.predict(unpooled_results, kind="response")
partial_pooling_model.predict(partial_pooling_results, kind="response")

# stack chain and draw values
pooled_pps = az.extract_dataset(pooled_results, group="posterior_predictive")["log_radon"].values
unpooled_pps = az.extract_dataset(unpooled_results, group="posterior_predictive")["log_radon"].values
partial_pooling_pps = az.extract_dataset(partial_pooling_results, group="posterior_predictive")["log_radon"].values

# Generate predictions per county
pooled_pps_df = pd.DataFrame(data=pooled_pps).assign(county=df["county"])
y_pred_pooled = pooled_pps_df.groupby("county").mean().mean(axis=1)

unpooled_pps_df = pd.DataFrame(data=unpooled_pps).assign(county=df["county"])
y_pred_unpooled = unpooled_pps_df.groupby("county").mean().mean(axis=1)

partial_pooling_pps_df = pd.DataFrame(data=partial_pooling_pps).assign(county=df["county"])
y_pred_partial_pooling = partial_pooling_pps_df.groupby("county").mean().mean(axis=1)

# observed values
y_sample = df.groupby("county")["log_radon"].mean()
/tmp/ipykernel_45847/1610299561.py:7: FutureWarning: extract_dataset has been deprecated, please use extract
  pooled_pps = az.extract_dataset(pooled_results, group="posterior_predictive")["log_radon"].values
/tmp/ipykernel_45847/1610299561.py:8: FutureWarning: extract_dataset has been deprecated, please use extract
  unpooled_pps = az.extract_dataset(unpooled_results, group="posterior_predictive")["log_radon"].values
/tmp/ipykernel_45847/1610299561.py:9: FutureWarning: extract_dataset has been deprecated, please use extract
  partial_pooling_pps = az.extract_dataset(partial_pooling_results, group="posterior_predictive")["log_radon"].values
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 8))

sns.regplot(x=y_sample, y=y_pred_pooled, label="pooled", color="C0", ax=ax)
sns.regplot(x=y_sample, y=y_pred_unpooled, label="unpooled", color="C1", ax=ax)
sns.regplot(x=y_sample, y=y_pred_partial_pooling, label="partial pooling", color="C2", ax=ax)
ax.axhline(y=df["log_radon"].mean(), color="C0", linestyle="--", label="sample mean")
ax.axline(xy1=(1, 1), slope=1, color="black", linestyle="--", label="diagonal")
    y=y_pred_partial_pooling.mean(), color="C3",
    linestyle="--", label="predicted global mean (partial pooling)"
ax.legend(loc="upper center", bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.1), ncol=2)
    title="log(Radon + 0.1) Mean per County - Model Comparison",
    xlabel="observed (sample)",
    xlim=(0.2, 2.8),
    ylim=(0.2, 2.8),

  • The pooled model consider all the counties together, this explains why the predictions do not vary at county level. This is represented by the almost-flat line in the plot above (blue).
  • On the other hand, the unpooled model considers each county separately, so the prediction is very close to the observation mean. This is represented by the line very close to the diagonal (orange).
  • The partial pooling model is mixing global and information at county level. This is clearly seen by how corresponding (green) line is in between the pooling and unpooling lines.
%load_ext watermark
%watermark -n -u -v -iv -w
Last updated: Sun May 26 2024

Python implementation: CPython
Python version       : 3.11.9
IPython version      : 8.24.0

seaborn   : 0.13.2
matplotlib: 3.8.4
pymc      : 5.15.0+23.g19be124e
bambi     : 0.13.1.dev39+gb7d6a6cb
numpy     : 1.26.4
pandas    : 2.2.2
arviz     : 0.18.0

Watermark: 2.4.3